I interrupt this Fashion Session for an EMERGENCY FASHION POP QUIZ!!
Now look at the picture above.... And please tell me what is wrong with it? Don't worry I'll wait..........
If you focused on the man, you're correct. If you're target was the female good guess, but that's a whole 'nother fashion tragedy that we don't have time for right now.
Can you tell me what's wrong with his get up? (Get up means outfit by the way).... You are exactly right. The obvious are his shorts. The shoes has to go and that suit color is horrible... There comes a time in every man's life that he has to put aside the childish wear and pick up a suit, or in this man's cause put down the baby's Easter suit and put on a real man's suit(tailored).
Now what if I told you this man is a famous R&B singer and he can afford a team of stylist. And granted it on of them probably styled him. But whoever that person is needs to be Bi***slapped! The lesson here is: YOU CAN'T TAKE FASION ADVICE FROM EVERYONE!! They will have you looking like this.
FASHION MODED!!!... look that one up.
picture provided by theybf.com
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